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What Makes us Grateful: Thanksgiving Thoughts from the RPT Staff

Ah, Thanksgiving. We’re just hours away from that celebratory time of year when we turn our focus to family, food, and football. But while we’re all excited about getting elbow-deep in all the yummy Turkey Day delicacies (hello green bean casserole!), let’s not forget about the true purpose of this annual tradition: giving thanks. In that spirit, we thought you might delight in some Thanksgiving reflections from

our staff.

Ashley Baldwin, Owner of Restorative Physical Therapy and DPT

I’m thankful for a loving and supportive family. The act of demonstrating unconditional love is a hard thing to do and I’m thankful for a family that continually shows unconditional love. I’m thankful for wonderful friends and co-workers (who have also become friends). It’s very warming to work with such kind-hearted and passionate people.

I’m thankful for Health. Good health is too often taken for granted until it’s suddenly bad health. I’m thankful God has led me here to help others. I’m thankful for my patients/clients and how they’ve allowed me to assist with restoring their quality of life through improving function and decreasing pain level.

Raichelle Garcia, Physical Therapist

This time of year causes me to reflect on how thankful I am for the many things that I have experienced in my life. Firstly, I am grateful to be a part of a profession that is in demand and truly works towards what is in the best interest of the individual. Mostly, I am grateful to be a part of a clinic that practices Integrative Manual Therapy because it has opened a new set of tools where I can help others, when in the past I felt at a loss for the next course of treatment. Being able to treat the individual as a whole person- including being there emotionally for our patients- has been very rewarding.

Secondly, this past year has caused me to be extremely grateful for my coworkers. Ashley is an absolutely great boss in her understanding and giving nature, and the rest of girls also keep me smiling and laughing all day, reminding me that you can truly enjoy your job. Last but certainly not least, although it is cliche, I am grateful for my family. Their support, unconditional love, and sense of humor have reminded me that I am truly blessed!

Shannon Allison, Physical Therapist

This Thanksgiving I am feeling grateful for all the hard times in my life because I feel like I am at a place where I am able to use everything that I've learned from those times to define more peace and joy in my life. I think the difference in my perspective is in the way that I look at my experiences. You can either look at them as an experience that points you toward heaven or the other direction, it's your choice.

Lyndsey Smith, Office Manager

In addition to being grateful for mashed potatoes and green bean casserole, I am giving a special thanks to co-workers that have become family. When you are connected to the military it can often be hard to live far away from home, but being apart of a team that not only cares about how you succeed professionally but also how you are personally really makes the distance not feel so far. This time of year also reminds me how truly fortunate I am to have a loving and supportive family that not only bring smiles but also bring so much joy to my life.



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